Cameron, Julia Margaret
English (b. India, 1815-1879)
TITLE ON OBJECT: Vivien and Merlin
BOOK TITLE: --Julia Margaret Cameron's Illustrations to Tennyson's "Idylls of the King" and Other Poems.-- London: 1875.
PUBLISHER: Henry S. King & Company
albumen print
33.0 x 26.6 cm.
Museum purchase
GEH NEG: 19747
Millard, Charles W. "Julia Margaret Cameron and Tennyson's "Idylls of the King".", --Harvard Library Bulletin--, Vol. 21, no. 2, 1973 April. p. 187-201.//
Gernsheim, Helmut. --Julia Margaret Cameron: Her Life and Photographic Work.-- Millerton, NY: Aperture, 1975. p. 43.//
Mulligan, Therese & Wooters, David. --Photography from 1839 to today: George Eastman House, Rochester, NY.-- Cologne: Taschen, 1999. p. 369.//
INSCRIPTION: mat recto-(signature and handwritten notations in ink) title, "From Life Registered Photograph Copy right Julia Margaret Cameron"
FRAME: cream mount, gold margin
NOTES: Auction: Sotheby's Belgravia, December 4, 1973, lot #68. Cameron citation of registration and copyright. Copyright registration December,8, 1874, "A Photograph second illustration of Merlin and Vivien the study of Vivien from Miss Agnes- and Merlin standing in hollow of tree C.H. Cameron Esq." Catalogued by JL/PB, 11/84.
Cameron, Julia Margaret
English (b. India, 1815-1879)
TITLE ON OBJECT: Vivien and Merlin
BOOK TITLE: --Julia Margaret Cameron's Illustrations to Tennyson's "Idylls of the King" and Other Poems.-- London: 1875.
PUBLISHER: Henry S. King & Company
albumen print
31.4 x 27.8 cm.
Museum purchase
GEH NEG: 19746
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Millard, Charles W. "Julia Margaret Cameron and Tennyson's "Idylls of the King".", --Harvard Library Bulletin--, Vol. 21, no. 2, 1973 April. p. 187-201.//
INSCRIPTION: mat recto-(signature and handwritten notations in ink) title, "From Life Registered Photograph Copy right Julia Margaret Cameron"
FRAME: cream mount, gold margin
NOTES: Auction: Sotheby's Belgravia, December 4, 1973, lot #68. Cameron citation of registration and copyright. Copyright registration December 8, 1874, "A Photograph illustrating Merlin and Vivien Vivien seated a study from Miss Agnes Merlin a study from C.H. Cameron" Catalogued by JL/PB, 11/84.
portrait, ident / Cameron, Charles
portrait, female
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