Friday 12 June 2009

Boy discovers microbe that eats plastic

PhD's have been searching for a solution to the plastic waste problem, and this 16 year old finds the answer.

Photo: Samuel Mann/Flickr
It's not your average science fair when the 16-year-old winner manages to solve a global waste crisis. But such was the case at last month's Canadian Science Fair in Waterloo, Ontario, where Daniel Burd, a high school student at Waterloo Collegiate Institute, presented his research on microorganisms that can rapidly biodegrade plastic.
Daniel had a thought it seems even the most esteemed microbiology PhD's hadn't considered. Plastic, one of the most indestructible of manufactured materials, does in fact eventually decompose. It takes 1,000 years but decompose it does, which means there must be microorganisms out there to do the decomposing.
Could those microorganisms be bred to do the job faster?
That was Daniel's question which he put to the test by a very simple and clever process of immersing ground plastic in a yeast solution that encourages microbial growth, and then isolating the most productive organisms.
The preliminary results were encouraging, so he kept at it, selecting out the most effective strains and interbreeding them. After several weeks of tweaking and optimizing temperatures Burd was able to achieve a 43 percent degradation of plastic in six weeks, an almost inconceivable accomplishment.
With 500 billion plastic bags manufactured each year and a Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch that grows more expansive by the day, a low cost and nontoxic method for degrading plastic is the stuff of environmentalists' dreams and, I would hazard a guess, a pretty good start-up company as well.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Canadian inventor creates Halo suit

People seem to think that this guy who's developed a real-life suit of the kind worn by Halo protagonist Master Chief has gone slightly bonkers . I couldn't disagree more: Troy Hurtubise, you sir, are a genius . The Trojan suit can reputedly withstand knives, bullets, clubs, light explosives and an elephant gun. Who couldn't use one of these things? Best of all, he claims he could produce them for just $2000 a piece.

The suit is constructed from plastic (of the high-impact variety), with layers of ceramic for bullet protection, and ballistic foam. There's space for morphine, salt, a knife, light, pepper spray, and magnetic holsters for guns. The suit is supposedly even comfortable enough to sit for long periods.

Hurtubise supposedly wants to deal with the military to produce the suits for soldiers in war zones. I think it looks swell, but I have just one question: what if someone manages to sneak up behind you and push you over?

[via Engadget ]